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Fuzzy logic has been proposed in previous studies for machine diagnosis, to overcome different drawbacks of the traditional diagnostic approaches used. Among these approaches Failure Mode and Effect Critical Analysis method(FMECA) attempts to identify potential modes and treat failures before they occur based on subjective expert judgments. Although several versions of fuzzy logic are used to improve FMECA or to replace it, since it is an extremely cost-intensive approach in terms of failure modes because it evaluates each one of them separately, these propositions have not explicitly focused on the combinatorial complexity nor justified the choice of membership functions in Fuzzy logic modeling. Within this context, we develop an optimization-based approach referred to Integrated Truth Table and Fuzzy Logic Model (ITTFLM) that smartly generates fuzzy logic rules using Truth Tables. The ITTFLM was tested on fan data collected in real-time from a plant machine. In the experiment, three types of membership functions (Triangular, Trapezoidal, and Gaussian) were used. The ITTFLM can generate outputs in 5ms, the results demonstrate that this model based on the Trapezoidal membership functions identifies the failure states with high accuracy, and its capability of dealing with large numbers of rules and thus meets the real-time constraints that usually impact user experience.
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Many recent perturbation studies have found unintuitive results on what does and does not matter when performing Natural Language Understanding (NLU) tasks in English. Coding properties, such as the order of words, can often be removed through shuffling without impacting downstream performances. Such insight may be used to direct future research into English NLP models. As many improvements in multilingual settings consist of wholesale adaptation of English approaches, it is important to verify whether those studies replicate or not in multilingual settings. In this work, we replicate a study on the importance of local structure, and the relative unimportance of global structure, in a multilingual setting. We find that the phenomenon observed on the English language broadly translates to over 120 languages, with a few caveats.
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Providing better language tools for low-resource and endangered languages is imperative for equitable growth. Recent progress with massively multilingual pretrained models has proven surprisingly effective at performing zero-shot transfer to a wide variety of languages. However, this transfer is not universal, with many languages not currently understood by multilingual approaches. It is estimated that only 72 languages possess a "small set of labeled datasets" on which we could test a model's performance, the vast majority of languages not having the resources available to simply evaluate performances on. In this work, we attempt to clarify which languages do and do not currently benefit from such transfer. To that end, we develop a general approach that requires only unlabelled text to detect which languages are not well understood by a cross-lingual model. Our approach is derived from the hypothesis that if a model's understanding is insensitive to perturbations to text in a language, it is likely to have a limited understanding of that language. We construct a cross-lingual sentence similarity task to evaluate our approach empirically on 350, primarily low-resource, languages.
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预测周围动态剂的未来轨迹是自动驾驶中的必要要求。这些轨迹主要取决于周围的静态环境以及这些动态剂的过去运动。此外,代理意图的多模式性质使轨迹预测问题更具挑战性。所有现有模型都同样考虑目标剂以及周围的剂,而无需考虑物理特性的变化。在本文中,我们为自动驾驶中的多模式轨迹预测提供了一个新颖的基于深度学习的框架,该框架考虑了目标及周围车辆的物理特性,例如对象类及其物理尺寸通过加权注意模块,从而改善预测的准确性。我们的模型在Nuscenes轨迹预测基准测试中取得了最高的结果,这些模型是使用栅格图来输入环境信息的模型。此外,我们的模型能够实时运行,达到300 fps的高推理率。
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Speckle是一种乘法噪声,它会影响所有连贯的成像方式,包括合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像。斑点的存在降低了图像质量和不利影响SAR图像理解应用程序的性能,例如自动目标识别和变更检测。因此,SAR Despeckling是遥感中的重要问题。在本文中,我们介绍了SAR-DDPM,这是SAR Despeckling的降解扩散概率模型。提出的方法包括马尔可夫链,该链通过反复添加随机噪声将干净的图像转换为白色高斯噪声。伪造的图像是通过反向过程恢复的,该过程迭代地使用噪声预测器在斑点图像上进行噪声预测。此外,我们提出了一种基于循环旋转的新推理策略,以提高选品的性能。我们对合成和真实SAR图像的实验表明,所提出的方法在定量和定性结果方面在最新的伪造方法上都取得了重大改进。
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